Friday, August 16, 2013

Bringing it all together--Westminster Mural Design

I started pulling out the cut-out drawings this morning and powered through the design. The first panel was the hardest because it represents the separation of light and dark, the sun and moon, and the earth and it's physical attributes. No animals or life yet. So I cut apart elements from several drawings (see image of the elements prior to the drawing process). One particularly beautiful image is God's hand holding the sun, at the bottom of the drawing. Another is the sun at the top; it was originally a flower (see picture), but I didn't have an interesting sun drawing, so I made the flower become the sun. This panel will also have flowers, which I will trace directly on to the mural instead to including them as tiny elements in the design. The second and third panels were easier, as they are made almost entirely of the children's drawings; I just created the composition. I decided to put only fish and birds on the second, and then land animals (and people and butterflies--they will also be drawn on later), and God in the middle. So happy some brave child chose to depict God. Love the interpretation. The drawings are now gridded, so that I can draw them, to scale, on the gridded murals panels. Each square in the design will be equal to a 2 foot square.

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